Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun
Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun Sparkle Dun

Sparkle Dun


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This is the granddaddy of them all. The Sparkle Dun has been responsible for fooling more trout than you could ever count over the last three-plus decades, and it is our ultimate confidence pattern. When trout are feeding on emerging mayflies, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better imitation, and it is the first fly we tie on more often than not. If you haven't tried it, you are missing out!


If you are interested in tying the Sparkle Dun, click here to check out our How To video.

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